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Extramurally Funded Grants and Contracts


PXD/Subsurface Technology: Method development for preconcentration and quantification of critical and valuable elements (CVE) in Permian Basin Produced Waters (lead PI Engle). $178,449, 01/01/2021-12/31/2022. 


NSF EAR 2012475: Network Cluster: Patterns and controls of ecohydrology, CO2 fluxes, and nutrient availability in pedogenic carbonate-dominated dryland critical zones. Lead PI Jin, Co-PIs (UTEP): Ma, Lougheed, Darrouzet, McLaren, Gutierrez, Engle, Karplus, Tweedie, Gill, Xu, Mauritz-Tozer, Warak. Pierce (Boise State U.), Pietrasiak (New Mexico State U.), Zhu (U. of Wyoming), Curry (Insight Museum). $5,250,000, 09/01/2020 to 08/31/2025.


NSF EAR 2018201: MRI: Acquisition of inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometer for research and education uses in water, energy, and environmental sciences. Role: Co-PI Ma, Lead PI Engle, Co-PIs: Jin, Walker, $119,365, 09/01/2020 to 08/31/2022.


NSF EAR 1933259: Collaborative Research: Parsing out the controls of climate, geology, and land use on riverine (234U/238U) ratios in Texas river basins. Role: Lead PI Ma, Co-PIs: Ricketts and Rohrbaugh (EPCC), $500,952, 08/01/2020 to 07/31/2023 (recommended for funding);


Ma, Lin (Co-Principal, UTEP), Reiners, Peter (Lead-PI, University of Arizona) and others, "MRI: Acquisition of a noble gas multi-collector mass spectrometer for geochronology and geochemistry research", Sponsored by NSF, Federal, (09/01/2018 – 08/31/2021). Location of Project:U. of Arizona


Ma, Lin (Principal), Engle, Mark (Co-Principal - USGS), “Using Cadmium and Zinc Isotope Tools to Understand Environmental Pathways of Heavy Metals Related to Disposal of Coal Combustion Products: A Continuing Research Collaboration”, Sponsored by USGS – United States Geological Survey, Federal, (May 2016– April 2017).


Ma, Lin (Co-Principal), Velasco, Aaron (Principal – UTEP), Jin, Lixin (Co-Principal – UTEP), Carrick, Tina (Co-Principal – UTEP), Taber, John (Co-Principal – IRIS), “GP_EXTRA: Academic Year Pathways Research Experience Program (AY-PREP)”, Sponsored by NSF – National Science Foundation, Federal, (September 2015– August 2018).


Ma, Lin (Principal), “Collaborative research: a multi-tracer (U, S, B, and Sr) approach to fingerprint and quantify anthropogenic salinity sources in the semi-arid Rio Grande watershed”, Sponsored by NSF – National Science Foundation, Federal, ( May 2014– April 2017).


Ma, Lin (Principal), “Collaborative research: Quantifying weathering rind formation rates using U-series isotopes along steep gradients of precipitation, bedrock ages and topography in Guadeloupe”, Sponsored by NSF – National Science Foundation, Federal, (September 2013– August 2017).


Ma, Lin (Principal), “Quantifying regolith formation rates with U-series isotopes along the shale weathering transect within the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory”, Sponsored by NSF SSHO CZO program, Federal,  (September 2013– August 2017).


Ma, Lin (Principal), “Using U-series disequilibrium isotopes to study rates and time scales of granite chemical weathering and saprolite material transport”, Sponsored by State Key Laboratory of Environmental Geochemistry (SKLEG), China, International travel support, (January 2013– December 2013).


Ma, Lin (Principal), Konter, Jasper (Co-Principal - UTEP), Borrok, David (Co-Principal - UTEP) “Iron, copper, and Zin concentration and isotope analyses”, Sponsored by USGS – United States Geological Survey, Federal, (September 2012– October 2012).


Ma, Lin (Principal), Jin, Lixin (Co-Principal - UTEP), “Systematic investigation of REE mobility and fractionation during continental shale weathering”, Sponsored by USGS – United States Geological Survey, Federal, (March 2012– August 2013).


Ma, Lin (Co-Principal), Jin, Lixin (Principal - UTEP), Borrok, David (Co-Principal - UTEP) , Lougheed, Vanessa (Co-Principal – UTEP), “Natural and human impacts on the sustainability soil resources in the Rio Grande Valley along the US-Mexico border”, Sponsored by U.S. EPA SCERP program, Federal, (May 2011– July 2013).


Internally Funded Grants and Contracts 

Ma, Lin (Co-Principal), Santiago, Ivonne (Principal - UTEP), Lara, Antonio (Co-Principal - NMSU), “Use of Natural Zeolite as soil amendment to control salinity and moisture control in sandy soil”, Sponsored by The University of Texas at El Paso University Interdisciplinary Research Enhancement Fund, (April 2015 – March 2016).


Ma, Lin (Principal), “Developing a novel isotope tool to trace and quantify Cadmium (Cd) emission and deposition from coal burning power plants”, Sponsored by The University of Texas at El Paso, University Research Initiative, (September 2013 – August 2014).

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