The overarching goal of my research has been conducting cutting-edge research in the Critical Zone: examining linkages and mechanisms between climate change, soil formation and erosion, water chemistry and quality, and biogeochemical cycling for both natural and human-impacted regions.
Instruments and Facility
Our facility houses a Nu Plasma HR multi-collector ICP MS, Thermo Scientific iCAP ICP MS, Perkin Elmer 5300 DV ICP OES and a metal-free class-100 clean room.
These instruments provide precise and accurate isotopic composition analysis, major and trace element concentration analysis to support geological, biological, environmental, and nano-material research.
Student Projects
Tectonic and climatic influence on secondary
carbonate formation in the Rio Grande Rift
Victor Garcia, Ph.D. student
(co-advised with Dr. Jason Ricketts)
Photo credit: VG
Chemical weathering, soil formation, and
elemental mobility on a tropical volcanic
island of French Guadeloupe: insights from
U-series and Nd isotopes and first principle
Jiye Guo, Ph.D. student
Basse-Terre Island, French Guadeloupe
Trace metal behavior in the nanoscale
components of coal fly ashes: insights from
combined microscopic and microbiological
Matthew Costa, MS, 2018
(co-advised with Dr. Jie Xu)
TEM Images
Tracing anthropogenic salinity inputs to the Rio
Grande River: a multi-isotope tracer approach
Sandra Garcia, MS, 2017
Irrigation canals of Rio Grande
Applications of Uranium and Strontium
isotopes as salinity and paleo-environmental
conditions tracers: insights from the Rio
Grande river and pedogenic carbonates in
dryland soils of southwest USA
Syprose Nyachoti, Ph.D. 2016
Sampling from Rio Grande
Using geochemistry and gravity data to
pinpoint sources of salinity in the Rio Grande
and fault networks of the Mesilla Basin
Matthew Hiebing, MS, 2016
(co-advised with Dr. Diane Doser)
Field Map Mesilla Basin
Uranium-series and Strontium isotopes
ratios in soils from Base-Terre Island,
French Guadeloupe: insights for rapid
soil formation and impact of dust in a
tropical volcanic setting
Yvette Pereyra, MS, 2016
Soil sampling in French Guadeloupe
Quantifying weathering rates on tropical
volcanic Basse-Terre Island, French
Guadeloupe: insights from U-series isotopes
in weathering rinds
Jacqueline Engel, MS, 2015
Andesite Quarry in French Guadeloupe
Trace element behavior during coal
combustion: insights from Cadmium
and Zinc isotope analysis
Fotios Fouskas, MS, 2015
Fly ash TEM sample